Day 7. Swimming & Celebration

We have a well earned lie-in and then head to the pool for a relaxing morning. It’s very quiet when we get there and we almost have the pool to ourselves. I have a dip in the pool. Some time in the hot tub and then read my book for a while. All very relaxing and just what we needed.

Eventually it starts to get a bit hot and I finished my book so we head inside and get changed.

We drive over to Celebration and get some lunch in the Town Centre Diner which I’m sure used to be called the Market Street diner.

This was really good. I had a roast beef and cheddar sandwich. Phil had chicken pot pie. Katie a Cheeseburger and Molly had a breakfast burger. We demolished the lot!

I also ordered iced coffee and when it came it was HUGE and black coffee. I honestly thought they had sent over a coke. It didn’t look like coffee at all. Once we had added the creamer it was very nice. But honestly it was as big as Mollys head!!

After lunch we had a look in the shops. There is a lovely shop with lots of knickknacks and Christmas items.

I was very tempted by this.
Molly wasn’t impressed that her name didn’t appear on any of the Christmas ornaments but she could buy a dog hook with it on
If you know. You know

After browsing the shops we walked around the lake. This was really pleasant and mostly shaded so not too hot.

After our walk we popped back into the diner to use the loo. And then Phil and Katie walked over to the car while I waited for Molly. Just as she came out of the restaurant the heavens opened. The kind of rain I’ve only experienced in Florida.

Fortunately Phil and Katie were in the car so they drove over to get us so we didn’t get too wet.

We drove over to The Loop to pop into Michaels and Old Navy and also sort out Katie’s phone.

I picked up a crochet hook in The Loop to replace the plastic one supplied in the kit Molly had bought.

We went into TMobile to see about topping up Katie’s phone. She has a US prepaid SIM card but when she tried to setup the payment to renew it each month it wouldn’t accept her card. Which is odd as she was able to pay the initial $10 to buy it. The sales assistant had the same issue but we were able to pay in cash and then she topped it up so hopefully she is now good until Christmas.

Final stop for the day was Old Navy. Katie got some shorts and Phil bought a shirt.

Then we headed home. Back in the villa we had a nap / relax and then it was decided that we would go to Magic Kingdom for the fireworks.

I wasn’t sure if I fancied going out but I decided to make the effort.

We got the bus to the park and arrived just before 8pm. A quick wander through the shops and straight onto a must do attraction.

yes. The Tiki room.

The goal was a relaxing stress free evening so the Tiki Birds were ideal. They score bonus points for having no queue. Seating and air conditioning.

Next up after a visit to the Tangled Bathrooms.

Another big hitter. – Its a Small World

There was actually a reasonable queue for this but somehow we got lucky and moved into the empty Lighting lane so we had a slightly shorter wait.

After this we were trying to decide where to watch the fireworks. There were plenty of seats in Fantasyland but I think you miss a lot behind behind the castle so we walked around in a huge circle through Tomorrowland in front of the castle, past Crystal Palace and ended up near the entrance to Liberty Square.

There was a nice handy wall to sit on and although there were some trees the view wasn’t bad. And did I mention the wall to sit on?

Molly got us some Orange dole whips. These were perfect. Just what we needed. And ice cream instead of dinner is ok on holiday, right?

The show is superb and the view was excellent considering we had waited about 10 minutes rather than 2 hours.

After the show we left the park. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and we should have waited a while but instead we did the mad slow shuffle all the way down Main Street with millions of other people.

We got to our bus stop and there was no wait. There were no seats either. So I had to stand all the way back. Which frankly is terrifying. I couldn’t seem to find a good way to stand.

We did make it home safely though. Just a bit of a white knuckle experience!!

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